Monday, March 2, 2009

Haynesworth's Mega-ish Deal

Albert Haynesworth, you need a new agent. Or, bad sportswriting is not always the fault of the reporter.

An AP headline blazed “Haynesworth gets 7-year, $100 deal from Redskins,” and opened up the possibility for a million and one economy/stimulus jokes. Disappointingly, the body of the article correctly states that the deal is a $100 million deal…well, as correctly as the value of any NFL contract is stated and anyway far closer to the real value that $100.


For one hot minute, my chosen career seemed awfully lucrative.

1 comment:

Mickey Cooper said...

Peter King actually did a good job covering this public relations stunt by Haynesworth's agent. I believe that King reported that under this deal, Haynesworth would receive $29 million in year five of the seven-year contract. Hey, Dan Snyder, why not just make it $39 million? Or $500 million?? I have a better chance at being on the Redskins' roster five years from now than does Haynesworth.

P.S. I have zero chance of being on the Redskins' roster five years from now (or ever, for that matter).