Monday, January 5, 2009

Peter King: Vol. 15

Pete does a pretty solid job covering the Wild Card weekend, but I had a few quick hits.

I'm actually starting to like Deion Sanders on TV. I know that'll rankle some peers, but he's confident, he's opinionated, he backs up opinions with good arguments (some of which I think are bunk, but who cares?), and he's good at the sound-bite game.

[Wait. So are his arguments good or bunk? I'm confused.]

I think Brett Favre is perilously close to leaving the game -- for good, this time -- and disappearing into a Mississippi deer stand for a long time.

[Why "perilously" close? Dude is washed up. If he returns, the Jets would be periously close to missing the playoffs again (they will in any event, but you get the point).]

Favre also told me he declined to have right biceps surgery, even though Jets doctors advised him to have the surgery if he thought he was going to play football in 2009.

[What do they know. They're only doctors.]

The fact he didn't choose to have the surgery, however, isn't a definite indicator that he's retiring, because a similar injury to his left biceps once went away without surgery in Green Bay.

[That biceps injury "went away?" Favre = a magic healer.]

I don't know why Adrian Peterson, ridden hard all season, didn't touch the ball on the last 16 Viking plays of the season. Not that it would have mattered much, most likely, but he's your horse, Vikes. Ride him.

[Because it... wouldn't have mattered...?]

ESPN's Chris Mortensen had a great nugget on Boston College coach Jeff Jagodzinski being told if he interviewed for the Jets job to just keep walking and not come back. That's a ridiculous demand by Boston College, unless there's a clause in his contract that the coach cannot interview for NFL jobs, which I don't believe exists.

[Odds that Pete has actually reviewed the contract in question??]

Caught "Bobby," the Bobby Kennedy assassination movie. Compelling and interesting. Emilio Estevez is smart.

[Ha. Great point to finish on. Emilio!]


Nils Nilsson said...

I know what you mean, Pete. It's totally ridiculous for BC to demand that their coach not openly interview for another position.

It's not like his actions will hurt recruiting or reflect badly on the program (the Jets, really?) or show just how committed he is to Boston College or anything.

Totally with you on that one.

Anonymous said...

Favre's left bicep injury that "went away" probably had something to do with a massive amount of painkillers.. they can be magic. just sayin'.

Ma$e said...

Emilio! The Mighty Duck man!