Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Stay classy, San Diego!

As has been mentioned before, I am a fan of enumerated lists. So how excited was I when I read Nick Canepa's piece today in the Union-Tribune out of San Diego??

Nick has ten things he wants to change about sports. (Spoiler alert: Actually, no. I don't even want to spoil it for you.) Let's hit the highlights:

3. Sit on ESPN.
The cable network controls our games and now has been awarded the BCS bowl package. Some 16 million U.S. homes have no access to ESPN. I realize this will be a boon for sports bars, but what would our founding fathers think

[16 million homes don't have basic cable?? Let's assume that is true. How many of those people (who have gone this long without basic cable) do you think really give a crap about a Utah-Pittsburgh Orange Bowl matchup?? I semi- made that up, but you get the idea. Plus, yeah, let's punish ESPN for being good at running ESPN.]

4. Curb the blogging.
In so many cases, bloggers who have no idea what they're talking about cast a huge influence on what's going on around us. It isn't journalism. It often isn't factual. It's throwing manure against the wall to see what sticks

[Couldn't agree more. I know this guy Nils who has a blog, and he is a HUGE douche. Maybe if he were a real journalist, he could write factual journalistic pieces about why blogging is stupid.]

5. Eliminate the Olympic Games.
They have become a petri dish for scandal..... It's stupid

[Journalism award, please!]

10. Find another Tiger Woods – in any sport.
One day, Tiger will fade. We need another one. Forget bailouts. Is it merely a coincidence that the world's economy has collapsed since Woods had knee surgery

[Ummm, yes?]

1 comment:

Nils Nilsson said...

"It isn't journalism. It often isn't factual."

Sort of like this list...?

(and Nils is a huge douche. i hate that guy)