Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Touche, Salesman.

Nils, you just stood up to me. Congratulations. That was the test.

P.S. "somaybeyouarerightafterallNils" is not a word. I checked.


Ma$e said...

Did I miss something in the talent vs. experience discussion? It seemed to me the debate was something along the lines of how much value does experience add? To weigh this against talent, one would have to compare a less talented pitcher with more experience to a more talented pitcher with less experience. Seems like a lot of variables and baseball is not my forte but I think that would be the best way to "decide" it rather than just comparing relatively equal pitchers with the one variable being experience.

Mickey Cooper said...

Closer, but also incorrect, ma$e. The best way to "decide" it is for me to arbitrarily announce myself the winner.

In a related story, I am the winner of the talent vs. experience debate.

P.S. I am actually in agreement with your premise, and somehow Nils and I will find a reasonable comparison at some point. Until then, please refer to the above paragraph.