Monday, December 15, 2008

Peter King: Vol. 10

Busy weekend in the NFL. Let's check Pete's take.

Regarding the controversial replay decision in the Steelers-Ravens Game:

I saw Holmes catching the ball, and at the moment of the catch, the absolute moment, it appears the ball is piercing the plane by inches.

[OK, so the ball crossed the plane. Touchdown was the correct call.]

But is it a lock that the ball crossed the line?

[You kind of just said it did, soooooo yes.]


[Why do I even bother?]

I see the likelihood of the ball breaking the plane. I do not see the certainty.

[Maybe it's just me, but how can you SEE a likelihood? Right?? Am I crazy??]

This is the continuing problem with the replay system. I think officials need to realize what "indisputable" means.

[Ring the Irony Bell!]

The excessive reverence for the Heisman Trophy by ESPN had me wretching up my pork chop Saturday night. Did Jesus win the Heisman?

[No. Tebow technically finished third.]

Did an exclusive interview with Marv Albert last night about his coffee habits. Turns out he likes three double-tall cappuccinos a day, and doesn't mind drinking them at room temperature.

[Professional journalism: Interviewing any random person about what kind of coffee they like to drink. Oh, and then claiming the scoop as an "exclusive."]


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