Thursday, December 18, 2008

Seth Davis and the Time-Space Continuum

Polls are obviously flawed, and to a certain extent (especially in basketball) utterly pointless. But if I were one of the voters, I would still attempt to fill out my poll with some semblance of rational thought. Seth Davis? Not so much.

As for Soham's question [Why Davis omitted Ohio State from his top 25], I don't mean to sound like your dad, but the simple answer is, "Because I said so."

[I'm pretty sure that's not love.... But keep going.]

As an AP voter, I tend to be more subjective early in the season and then let results dictate my ballot as time goes on.

[Because these so-called "games" that teams "play" in November and December, yeah, they don't actually count. I bet all of you at home thought they did, didn't you? Ha. Suckers.]

In the case of the Buckeyes, I see a team that could very well be good enough to win the Big Ten. However, I also see a team that lost three starters from a squad that failed to reach the NCAA tournament.

[2008-09 Buckeyes = Good. 2007-08 Buckeyes = Bad. Result = 2008-09 Buckeyes ranked as if they are bad. QED.]

Looking at some other teams on my ballot, why would I rank Villanova at No. 21? Because they were a Sweet 16 last year....

[Davis also thinks that "There Will Be Blood" will take home the "Best Picture" award at this year's Oscars.]

1 comment:

Nils Nilsson said...

Last season's performance, especially for college teams with their player turnover, is totally the right way to rank teams that are currently playing actual games this season.
