Friday, December 19, 2008

Peyton Manning -- Next Up: Curing Cancer

I don't have a problem with IndyStar's Bob Kravitz and his high praise for Peyton Manning after last night's undeniably awesome performance. But he was approaching "gushing" territory, which made for a marginally humorous read.

Manning wasn't great Thursday night; he was sublime. He was as close to perfection as a quarterback can be....

[Peyton's new nickname? The Asymptote.]

Receivers caught balls, but too, balls caught receivers.

[It that how those mysterious K-Balls work?]

There was one ball thrown to Dallas Clark in the seam deep over the middle that was so perfect, so deftly thrown, Clark had no choice but to bring it in.

[Wrong. Peyton need look no further than his own brother to dispel this one. Remember this play two weeks ago?]

They have flaws, but they have something -- someone -- nobody else has: They have Manning, at long last, back at the top of his game. MVP, anybody?

[Hey, no argument here. I will vote for him every year until someone tops his United Way spoof. And, by the way, he'll kill a snitch. Not saying he has; not saying he hasn't....]

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